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Services:  Preconception, Pregnancy and Postpartum Care
Offering physical therapy services throughout one of the biggest physical and mental transitions of your life.  Offering assessment and treatment as well as movement programs to best fit your needs.

Mid and low back pain
Hip or abdominal pain
Coccyx (tailbone) pain
Pelvic pain
Osteitis Pubis (pubic bone)

Bowel and Bladder Dysfunction
Fecal or urinary incontinence
Urinary retention or hesitancy

Perinatal Care
Feelings of joint instability, pelvic pressure or heaviness
Diastasis Recti (abdominal separation)
Scar tissue or adhesions from prior abdominal surgeries, trauma or fertility procedures
Cesarean recovery
Vaginal/perineal tearing
Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Incontinence (leakage)

Personal Training
Focus on safe and supportive movement during any stage of the perinatal transition
Focus on core and pelvic floor health to address current concerns or to prevent dysfunction
Single session or packages of 5 or 10
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